Watercolor painting of a humpback whale, right whale, and sperm whale.
Whales have always held a fascination for me, seemingly magical creatures that only appear in movies and storybooks such as the elegant Southern Right Whales in Whale Riders or Monstro the enormous Sperm Whale that gulped down grandfather Geppetto in Pinocchio. I never dreamed of being able to witness one of these amazing marine creatures closely, until I was lucky enough to spend some time in Monterey Bay, California where I had the rare treat to experience them in person. I was especially intrigued by the variable and distinctive surface markings found on different whales. In this painting I paid special attention to depicting the barnacles attached to the skin of the Humpback, the rough callosites found on the head of the Right Whale, and scars on the Sperm Whale, possibly left after undersea battles with giant squids.
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