Deep sea mining

For a clean energy transition, should we mine the deep sea & risk potential damage to the ocean? Take a visual deep-dive and learn more at the interactive story “The promise and risks of deep-sea mining“.

Deep Sea Mining impact is not just deep, but the entire connected ocean. I designed a U scroll for readers to follow all section of the ocean. Inspired by artist Fernando Baptista and Wesley Allsbrook’s ink style, I tested these dynamic strokes for my art-

The hardest part was deciding which marine animals to draw and at accurate depths. As evident in my pencil sketch, I wanted to fit A LOT. But UX sketch always bring clarity. I realized I have to keep readers focus following the robot, w/ just some delight🪼🐙 🦑 encounters.

IEA data shows energy transition requires more minerals, a key driver for industries to mine deep sea. Using the Voronoi chart we were able to show the stark contrast. Here’s the sketch combined w/ hand texture on the vector

The deep sea is highly diverse, yet the least known. Experts estimate we may only have uncovered 10% of species. We can’t lose them before its too late. Can you spot the 4 types of jellies, 2 squids, 4 octopi and 6 fish in the story?


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