Intelligent ForestExplainer, Publication, Publications, ScientificJuly 14, 2018/Author: admin Infographic revealing how trees "talk" to each other using a massive underground fungi network... 0
Metamorphosis: Programmed to ChangeExplainer, Publication, Publications, ScientificJanuary 1, 2019/Author: admin Infographic detailing the radical transformation of a caterpillar to a butterfly during metamorphosis. The... 0
Soaring SpidersExplainer, Publication, Publications, ScientificJuly 11, 2019/Author: admin Infographic revealing how spiders "fly" thousands of miles using the process called ballooning. New... 0
Silent Spring On The FarmDataViz, Publication, Publications, ScientificJanuary 1, 2019/Author: admin Data Visualization graphic showing how industrial farming is causing the plummeting of bird populations.... 0
Honey DNAExplainer, Publication, Publications, ScientificJanuary 30, 2018/Author: admin Infographic showing the new technology allowing scientists to identify key plant species honeybees visit... 0
Monster FishExplainer, Publication, Publications, ScientificJanuary 30, 2018/Author: admin Graphic showing various fish that can grow to monster-size. I created all illustrations using... 0
Small Cats in the SpotlightExplainer, Publication, Publications, ScientificJanuary 30, 2018/Author: admin Infographic showing the evolutionary relationship of 31 small cat species revealed by most recent... 0
Waste Not: Turning Trash to GrapheneExplainer, Infoposters, Publication, Publications, Research, ScienceMay 10, 2020/Author: admin Visual explainer on a new process introduced by the Rice University lab of chemist... 0
Rewiring Hearts With NanotubesExplainer, Publication, Publications, ScientificFebruary 14, 2020/Author: admin Visual explainer on how carbon nanotube fibers bridge damaged heart to restore healthy beat. The... 0
Collecting Seeds to Save Hawai‘i’s Native ForestDataViz, Explainer, Infoposters, Publications, Research, Science, ScientificMay 10, 2020/Author: admin Data-driven graphics in collaboration with writer Kim Rogers about how the public and scientists... 0
From Fins to LimbsExplainer, Publication, Publications, Research, Science, ScientificAugust 5, 2020/Author: admin Paleo illustrations and infographic showing the unexpected origin of fingers from fish fins to... 0
Image of the UniverseEditorial, PublicationsAugust 6, 2020/Author: admin Concept illustration accompanying article written by Annika Kreikenbohm, an astrophysicist and information designer based... 0
First Emperor TombExplainer, Publication, PublicationsJanuary 30, 2018/Author: admin Infographic revealing the archeological reconstruction and new findings of the functions and historical value... 0
Black and White AnimalsEditorial, Explainer, Publication, Publications, ScientificJanuary 30, 2018/Author: admin Graphic showing why mammals are black and white. National Geographic Magazine Oct 2016. Below shows... 0
Steps to Brain DeathExplainer, Joint Projects, Publication, Publications, ScientificJanuary 30, 2018/Author: admin Infographic revealing the key brain areas associated to brain death. Collaboration with graphic editor... 0
The Vegetable ClockPublications, Research, ScientificJanuary 30, 2018/Author: admin Illustration design for Current Biology research article in 2013 about new findings that vegetables can... 0
Neuron Cover DesignEditorial, Publication, PublicationsAugust 24, 2020/Author: admin Concept illustration cover design submission for Neuron. The visual represents the cerebellum metaphorically as... 0
Immunity Cover DesignEditorial, Publication, PublicationsJanuary 31, 2018/Author: admin Two concept illustration cover designs conveying the dual "personality" of the microglia; the resting... 0
Amyloid Concept ArtEditorial, Publications, ResearchJanuary 30, 2018/Author: admin Concept art illustrating the identification of the binding location on amyloid beta with a... 0